CMC Ltd.


Tenure : 7 months.

Salt Lake Branch.

My salary was Rs.2500/- (Two thousand five hundred only. 3 lates = one absent – so my average take home was – around Rs.2000/- to 1800/- per month ! So—here I was – kind of back to square one !!

Look at my salary life cycle >> 1500/- (Trend India)> 1000/- (Inspiration Advt. Agency) > 1600/- (Salora) > 800/-(School) > 3000/- (The Park) > 3500/- (HCL Infosystems) > 2500/- (CMC Ltd.).


Another girl who was a counselor as well was around 21 years old – and drawing the same amount of salary.


Most un-professional environment !


The filing system was atrocious.

The student database was poorly maintained.

Proper follow-up never took place. – all this I came to know when I went through the records. There was everything – but nothing was followed – they were more interested in sharing jokes and non-veg jokes amongst each other !

Anyways – I am very methodical – at least when I am made responsible for something. I am not the kind that if something is asked from me – I ‘ll take hours to find out where its kept – or will not know what I am asked for !!

I do not wish to be addressed as a ‘jhahil ganwaar’ daft woman – the category of such people – I just cannot stand – dumb people are best avoided – they just take your time & energy … and in spite of all your efforts – they learn nothing!


I streamlined everything.

Did proper filing.


Made proper hand-out literature.

Called up enquiries – some 2 years old and even converted some from very old database – no appreciation for the same – kind of indication was given to me as if it was my duty – so ?! Big deal !!

Fed database in the Automated system (Had become a pro in that at The Park!

Things were on my finger tips – utter it and you will have it !

The bosses appreciated it as well – that’s what I came to know from elsewhere – they were very non-expressive kind of people – they were Jains – very quiet, gentle. Good people. Good men. But they did not believe in appreciation – or maybe they thought I will bloat up with Air – pride and cease to work….


Caution Deposit refund episode :


A caution deposit of Rs.500/- is taken at the time of admission which is refunded back on completion of course.


One such case happened that he had not taken out his money earlier as he had gone out of station but had all the credentials and CMC was bound to refund the money (Rs.500/- only).


The person rang up almost daily – and daily some excuse or other was made – he started coming to the centre and literally screamed at us – and I quietly let him scream !! – he screamed on phone, verbally – but it hardly made any difference to the bosses !!I used to wonder at their psychology really ! How can they make a person suffer like this – esp. if he is asking for something that is rightfully his !


A measly Rs.500/- and I had to hear so much of abuses from a stranger !!

In December – I attended Art of Living (AOL)– Part II


I asked for leave as I wanted to do the 2nd level of AOL – 4 days of leave. Suddenly the dates were pre-poned so I left a day before the schedule. I told the Centre Incharge.


When I came back – I was given a very cold welcome ! Infact I was called irresponsible etc. REALLY! I thought !The previous girls that they had hardly worked – or rather ‘worked somehow’ – I had brought in so much of professionalism – ofcourse I had myself learnt it from The Park and HCL Infosystems – but whats the end result !? NOTHING!!


In fact people used to take leave for 3-5 days to visit Puri and Dhigha – that was not a problem but here I went for spiritual pursuit – and it became a problem?!!


And while I was a student at CMC, a college girl pursuing her graduation – having a boyfriend used to be the counselor. She sometimes used to come inside the Lab room and put her head down to sleep ! and the rest of the students used to hush up saying “poor thing is tired – so let her put her head down to rest’ !! – what utter nonsense used to happen – sleeping during office hours !


A new girl joined as a counselor :


The previous young girl left for further studies – she wanted to do MBA – she said she has very high ambitions and wants to buy a car etc. on her own ! – hearing all this I used to wonder whatever happened to my ambitions !!

Anyways I taught her everything. She was a very young girl – very pretty as well – but not very focused – but then that’s but natural – a young girl is more interested in ‘other things as well’. She had a boy friend as well. Infact people having ‘special’ friend are often found busy on phone (office phone ofcourse) – and shamelessly carry on with it – unless someone showed some irritation – they can carry on whole day !

She used to stay till 8 pm and I left at 6 pm. One fine day I came – and the boss (middle brother – Mr. Randhier Ghosal) called me and said that I have not taught her anything – as she failed to reply so many queries last evening.

I called her immediately and asked her the things – she fumbled and became very nervous – she had written it all in her diary but had forgotten to carry it – or had misplaced it – so she conveniently said that it has not been told to her at all – seeing her (pretty face)  fumble and becoming nervous – boss tried to change the topic and cool down the situation – but harm was already done ! – I got the hint that he probably thinks that I am jealous of the pretty young thing and was trying to dominate her etc. – oh! Well ! – that’s the last thing that comes to my mind!! – but anyways you cannot change the way people think – can you?

One thing I gathered in this Professional World though – the oft quoted phrase “No one is indispensable”. Especially the Counselor’s job. Anyone could do it – the Bosses kept young college girls because they would’nt have to pay them much. Rs.2500/- for a college girl as a pocket money is more than enough. When I was in college – I never even thought of Career and Rs.2500/- would have been a rich kid’s dream !

It made me wonder what the heck am I doing here ?! A thankless Job – no difference between me – 29 years old, experienced – and a 20 years old – zero experience and scattered bird brained!

I heard of Multimedia


Year 2000 – Multimedia and web page designing was all over the place. I heard it – like the idea – CMC was getting boring !same EDAST course – nothing new – no incentives, no increment – never would be since I had come to know about the mentality of the bosses a bit too well – counseling can be done by anyone and everyone – so whats the big deal – this was the attitude – they could change a counselor every 6 months – why keep the same old rut – why pay higher ?!- what’s incentive – what’s increment – it was all Greek and Latin to them !


I decided to quit CMC.


I quit CMC and joined Arena Multimedia, Kankurgachi branch as a student in Web Engineering—PCWE (Professional Certificate in Web Engineering!).

 Here is the Proof folks:

Well folks, I never got any Appointment letter or even Work Experience letter from here.

I did’nt ask for Appointment letter because by now I had come to know of its futility – no one is bothered about it and Work Experience letter – well things were pretty slow here – I was the one who had brought in a lot of Corporate Culture here – letters, drafting etc. was done by me – fine tuned later by the Bosses ofcourse – but now that I was not there – who would even bother about it ? and I am not the pestering kinds – I went once – they said – yeah! okay – you will get it..fine – you do not expect it to be given right away do you — uh! you think you are the President of India that things will be done with immediate effect for you…..” . So these are the kinds of replies you get – esp. when you leave an Organisation. One thing very vital I have learnt folks – Do all possible important works before you leave any Organisation – because after you leave a certain Organisation and then if you just go to pay a visit – the other colleagues will certainly give you a ‘royal ignore’ – kind of having the last laugh – they somehow start believing that they are the ‘Superior Ones‘ still in business !!

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One thought on “CMC Ltd.

  1. I’m not quite sure how to say this; you made it exeetmrly easy for me!

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